Paisley Motif in Kantha Embroidery is Worth Admiration
In today's race, everybody loves to wear clothes innovated in different styles, patterns, embroidery work. These days, people have become selective in all that they wear. When it comes to the matter of wearing dresses with embroidery, Kantha work is something that does not have any match. Needless to say that Kantha embroidery crafted over paisley motif adds value to the fabric. In the matter of selecting fabrics to be worn in party as well casual, the dress loaded with Paisley motif with kantha embroidery is worth admiration.
Paisley is an art originated from Persia travelling from all the countries to India. The paisley design had been derived from reversed tear drop shape and got its name from West Scotland. This design had an important significance for the people of Scotland as it resembles to the bamboo palm tree bud because tree provides food, wood, wine for their livelihood.
Kantha embroidery had its origin from West Bengal where the rural ladies of Bengal earn their living by doing this art style. Kantha is a form of embroidery done with thread in the pattern of simple running stitches following the design laid by the designers. Kantha itself is an ornament for any fabric and needs no more embellishment other than that.
Looking towards the tastes of today's society, designers always check out experimenting with the different styles of prints and embroideries. One of such form is Paisley Motif in Kantha Embroidery.
The fusion of these two art styles have brought revolution in the modern age as people especially youth liked such type of dresses blended in one or the other form of artistic patterns. Their taste of mixtures in the dresses had motivated the designers to innovate diverse molds of dresses. People get these inspirations for pattern fusions mostly from the glamorous world. Even models and high profiled celebrities showcased the designs from reputed creators at formal gatherings and fashion shows which again influence the fashion in public.
In Paisley print done with kantha work, initially fabric is printed with the tear drop design and later thread work is done in running stitches. To enhance the beauty of fabric, all the colors chosen from base shade to the printed ones and even in threads develops a qualitative symmetry for making a piece fabulous.
This type of creative work can be done in many styles. The main pattern includes imprinting of paisley print on cloth and then thread is moved following the shape of design. Such type of work is not only limited to garments; but can be done on many household goods such as quilts, bed sheets, cushion covers, stoles, shawls, scarfs , wall hangings, handmade paintings with thread work and many more.
Apart from all, the beauty of paisley design in kantha work speaks itself. It has its own esteemed customers to pick these fabrics or articles from other styles and patterns of work. The articles or garments made out of such work are available online so as interested customers could purchase them without any difficulty.