

"GanapatiBappaMorya", a phrase which fills the hearts and minds of devotees with full excitement and enthusiasm. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated to mark the birthday of Lord Ganesha, beloved son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. This is celebrated on the fourth day of Bhadrapada month. Lord Ganesha is worshipped for 10 days with different rituals.


The Ganapati Puja

A day before the puja people go to with drums and sound boxes to buy idols of Lord Ganesha and welcome him with full enthusiasm. Then it is placed at a higher platform which is decorated to welcome the Lord. On the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi the ritual of pranapratishtha is performed with a belief that this ritual will bring life to the idol, then Lord Ganapati is worshipped in 16 different ways which are known as shhodashopachara. Further, this puja is carried by different chants from Ganesh Upanishad. It is believed that Modak is the favorite food of Lord Ganesha and therefore offerings of Modaks are made to the Lord on all the 10 consecutive days.


On the 10th day people take the idols of Lord Ganesha and proceed towards the local river with dhols, nagadas and other music systems and immerse the idol in the water. It is believed that after the immersion of idols Lord Ganesha heads towards his parents on the Himalaya.


Ganesha is a symbol of simplicity, wisdom, intelligence and understanding. Therefore, impressing him does not require heavy austerity. Simple decorations and delicious offerings are enough to get him by your side. Here are some tips to decorate your house for a perfect welcoming of Lord Ganesha at your house. Nowadays, theme based decorations are trending.


  • Himalayan Themed Decor: Ganapati season is arriving and Lord Ganesha is on his way to reach your home. If you want Lord Ganesha not to miss his homeland, then this decor will be best suited for your house. Change your home with decorative items which will symbolize Himalayan mountains to give the God same comfort of his home. The stage can be decorated with posters of glaciers, mountains and snow. Himalaya is known as the abode of snow, therefore the main colour of this theme decoration will be white. Many a times, people skip the bed sheets and curtains of their house which degrades the decor of their house.White Bed Sheets with designs of high mountains will go best with this decor. One must always keep in view that every single corner of the house must be decorated according to the theme, to give the decor a perfect look.


  • Eco-friendly Decor: If you are nature friendly and are completely against the items which will harm the environment, then this decor will be the perfect choice for you. Recently some idolists have introduced Eco friendly Ganapati in the market, which when immersed does not leave any residuals. For decorating the mandap of bappa one can use reusable items like colored papers, bottles, pens, thread rolls and many more.
    Solid green bed sheets or ones with floral prints will go best along with this theme of decor.


  • Home Decor Based on Contemporary Events: Lord Ganesha is recognised with 108 different names, one of them is "vignah-nashak". The prevailing situation requires blessings of the Lord so that the scenario becomes normal again. In order to spread awareness among the people, one can bring home an idol of Ganapati wearing a mask and having sanitizer in one hand so that the people get influenced and start taking safety precautions. The decor can include posters related to sanitizers, masks, people performing social distancing, and many more. In order to complete the decor, one can mark circles at a distance on the floor for the devotees.


There are many more decors which one can go for like the "Baal Ganapati decor", "Foodie Ganapati Decor" and many more. Decorations attract the devotees therefore decorating every single corner of house based on the selected theme is very important.

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